Volume II of the best selling collection. Includes the work of over 50 writers from 6 countries, including: Chris La Tray, author of One-Sentence Journal; Anne Casey, winner of the 2021 iGlobal Women's Award for literature; Mark Gibbons, Montana Poet Laureate (2022), Marc Beaudin, author of Life List; Barry Babcock, author of Teachers in the Forest, and more. This is a perfect collection for your cabin, camp bag or home.
“This collection takes readers from Montana to Arizona, Maine to South America, and the Arctic to Australia...into the heart of the land and sea, into the heart of the human experiencing the land and sea... These poems, essays, and stories are wild to their core and oh so beautiful.“
- Sean Prentiss, author of Finding Abbey, and editor of the anthology Environmental and Nature Writing
“Like birdsong on a crisp spring morning, this collection is joyous and varied. Riverfeet Press continues to create literature that brings voices established and new to its readers. Each will have their favorites, but the common denominator, perhaps, across all, as Chris La Tray tells us, is that when we find ourselves “in the presence of the wild world,” we can be assured we’re “in the presence of the Divine.”
- Andrew C. Gottlieb, author of Flow Variations and Halflives
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